Uniforms for Filipino Schools

School Uniforms

Filipino school children commonly wear school uniforms, especially at the secondary level and in private schools. The situation is more varied at state elementary schools.

Elementary Schools
The elementary schools which are known as grammar schools in the Philippines have a variety of different school uniforms.
Public schools: Most of the public elementary schools don't require the kids to wear uniforms, but some do, especially in the cities. Elementary schools usually only have uniform shirts with a badge of some kind, for both girls and boys. Some public schools have the girls wear a skirt to match their shirts. The colors most commonly used are blue for the skirts and white for the shirts. Some school use light green on their skirts.
Private schools: Uniforms are much more common at private schools.

Secondary Schools
Most high schools, both public and private, require school uniforms. The colors are generally the same as used for the elementary pupils, although there is often a slight difference to identify the older high school students. Some schools require the girls to wear a school tie with a seal on it. The boys wear long pants coordinating the color of the girls skirts, and usuallythey also wear a polo shirt with a seal on the pocket.

Tertiary Institutions
Some colleges require uniforms and some do not. This is true both in private or public schools. Some do, especially if the students are studying medical courses. The rest are regular school uniforms. Universities and some colleges are often not very particular about uniforms.

Philippine's teachers are required to wear their uniforms at school. Public school teachers have four sets of uniform for each day of the week except either Wednesday or Friday which is referred to as a free-day.

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